Does my child have to bring a device?
For 2024, all students will be required to bring their own device to school for learning. Please contact the school if this is not an option for your child at this time.
How will their device be kept safe?
Student devices will be brought straight to class in the morning and put into a locked cupboard. They will remain there until needed and be locked up again during morning tea and lunch. Only your child will use the device they bring to school. We recommend a case to store the device in for added protection.
Do I have to buy new apps?
No. We will only be using apps that are free from the Apple or Google Play stores. Any downloading or updates for apps and software does need to be done at home.
Will there be Internet access?
Yes. Your child will be able to access the internet using our school network. We do not allow students to use their own networks should their device have this capability.
Can students charge their devices at school?
Personal devices should be charged prior to bringing them to school and should be capable of running off their own battery for the duration of the school day.
What happens if a student is not using a device appropriately?
The school rules, digital citizenship guidelines, and cyber safety agreement will be followed. The school reserves the right to inspect the student’s personal device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated any of the rules and guidelines stated in the Cyber Safety Agreement.
What happens if someone mistakes a device as their own?
On this permission slip, we ask that you note down the serial number of the device your child owns. This is something that can not be changed or removed and is unique to the device. This will help us identify devices. Other ways to make identification easier are by selecting unique cases and by putting a name label on the device.
What happens if a device is missing/damaged?
The school cannot be held responsible for the loss of, or damage to, any devices. The device should be covered by the owner’s insurance.
Are there any other risks?
Yes. As we are an Apple-based school, viruses are less likely to be introduced. However, non-Apple devices may contain viruses that could be spread across the network. Please ensure that your childs’ device has virus protection.